Privacy Policy

ILHA BEM ESTAR is committed to transparency, privacy, and the security of its customers' data throughout the entire interaction process with our website. To better understand what information we collect and how we use, store, or delete it, we detail our Privacy Policy below.

1. Purpose of requesting personal information on the site

1.1 This site is committed to keeping your personal information (such as name, email, phone numbers, personal documents, etc.) completely confidential, linking it solely to your registration and using it only for:

a) the delivery and billing of products and services purchased on the site as well as identification of the respective recipient;

b) obtaining generic statistics to identify customer profiles in order to plan targeted campaigns and promotions;

c) maintaining data and customer relationship actions to continuously improve the service provided by the portal; and

d) resolving any legal issues related to the virtual store.

1.2 The information requested from users is the minimum necessary for the store to enable the customer to make their purchases.

1.3 The user guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of the information and data provided to the site, assuming responsibility if they are not correct, and commits to keeping them updated. The portal assumes no responsibility in case of inaccuracies in the information and data provided.

1.4 The user who registers on the ILHA BEM ESTAR e-commerce site using third-party data may incur the crimes of false identity and fraud, both provided for in the Brazilian Penal Code, without prejudice to possible liability under specific legislation.

2. Request for personal information

2.1 Personal information capable of identifying users is collected when they:

a) register on the site;

b) interact with the various tools available in the virtual store, providing information voluntarily

c) make payment for their order in the electronic store; and

d) contact the site through the "CONTACT US" channel.

2.2 All collected personal data will be incorporated into the site's database, with ILHA BEM ESTAR being responsible for storage.

2.3 ILHA BEM ESTAR may confirm the personal data provided by the user by consulting public entities, specialized companies, and databases, for which express authorization is granted. However, this action does not cease or diminish the user's responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of the presented data, which is why ILHA BEM ESTAR may, at its sole discretion, suspend and/or cancel the user's registration at any time if any inaccuracies are detected.

3. Obtaining navigational information

3.1 The site also automatically receives and stores information from its servers about user activities from the browser, including IP address and accessed pages, through cookies.

3.2 Cookies allow the recognition of computers accessing the sites and track the user's navigation within the page, in a way that customizes it according to each customer's profile. Cookies do not store any personal information, only user login data. They can be discarded when the user wishes or the user can configure their internet browser to reject them. However, this may limit some site functionalities.

4. Use of information

4.1 Without prejudice to the other provisions of this policy, the user acknowledges and agrees that the portal may use the collected information for the following general purposes:

a) to enable interactivity between the client user and the administrator user;

b) to improve usability and the interactive experience during user navigation on the portal;

c) to prepare general statistics;

d) to respond to users' doubts and requests.

5.Data protection and privacy

5.1 ILHA BEM ESTAR will take all possible measures to maintain the privacy of users' personal data stored in its database, committing to using technology that is sufficiently adequate for this purpose and seeking to maintain a secure environment with appropriate tools, always observing the available state-of-the-art technology. However, considering that no security system is absolutely safe, ILHA BEM ESTAR disclaims any responsibility for any damages and/or losses arising from viruses, site invasions, database breaches, and related failures for which it did not contribute, unless there is willful misconduct or fault by the company.

5.2 ILHA BEM ESTAR professionals are aware of this policy and only qualified and authorized personnel are allowed to access users' personal data collected on the site, under penalty of disciplinary sanctions and possible criminal or civil penalties, depending on the situation, in case of violation of the rules provided herein.

5.3 ILHA BEM ESTAR requires its partner companies and service providers to guarantee data protection and privacy as assured in this policy when data sharing is necessary.

6.Security procedures

6.1 The site is equipped with the most modern security measures to protect your personal information, restricting access only to authorized personnel.

6.2 The site uses a modern encryption security system for internet transactions, making it a secure point on the internet.

6.3 In users' access to the virtual store, the information transmitted between the site and payment institutions is encrypted and access is validated by a firewall.

6.4 ILHA BEM ESTAR also operates with a firewall that prevents the execution of certain functions by unauthorized users.

6.5 Due to the use of the security system, information processing may encounter issues if the user uses an outdated browser. In this case, the user may view pages but, for their own data security, may not be able to make purchases or use certain functionalities due to platform incompatibility with the browser used.

7.Login and password used by the customer on the portal

7.1 It is the user's responsibility to keep their login and password secure. It is not advisable to use obvious passwords, such as birth dates, names, or numerical sequences. It is recommended that the password contains special and alphanumeric characters. The user should periodically change their access password and, if they become aware or even suspect that their password has been discovered, they should immediately change it.


8.External Links

8.1 The website may provide access to links to other external sites whose contents and privacy policies are not its responsibility. Users are advised that, when redirected to these sites, they should always consult the respective privacy policies before providing their data or information.

9. Modifications to our privacy policy

9.1 The ILHA BEM ESTAR website reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy at any time aiming for its constant improvement and enhancement. Any changes will be duly communicated on this page.

9.2 By using our services, the user agrees and accepts the terms of the Privacy Policy in effect on the date and, therefore, should review it prior to each visit to this portal.

10. Applicable law and jurisdiction

10.1 This Privacy Policy is governed by the legislation of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Its text shall be interpreted in the Portuguese language, and users of the portal are subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of the Capital District of the State of SĂŁo Paulo.

11. Questions

11.1 For more information or to address any questions about our Privacy Policy, please send a message through the "CONTACT US" channel.

Last update and previous versions

Last update: October 23, 2020.